
31. srpnja 2011.

The Widgetkit Gallery provides a smart and automated way to publish images on your website. You only need to select the image folders and the whole gallery is generated automatically.



  • Fully responsive including all effects
  • Folder based image selection
  • Supports multiple image folders
  • Automatic thumbnail creation
  • Supports image captions and custom links
  • Uses the Widgetkit Spotlight and Lightbox
  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.2+ and the latest jQuery version
  • Works with Joomla and WordPress

Showcase Box Example

This is an image showcase with eye-catching transition effects and a thumbnail navigation.

[widgetkit id=39]

Image Wall Example

This is an image wall with zoom effect, no margins and squared corners using the lightbox.

[widgetkit id=24]

Polaroid Example

This is an image wall with scattered polaroid pictures using the lightbox.

[widgetkit id=25]

Slider Example 1

This is an image slider where the image centers automatically during the effect. It also features a spotlight caption and the lightbox.

[widgetkit id=27]

Slider Example 2

This is an image slider where the image stays left during the effect.

[widgetkit id=31]

Slideshow Screen Example

This is an image gallery using the nice swipe effect from the slideshow widget.

[widgetkit id=48]

Slideshow Default Example

This is an image gallery using all the features from the slideshow widget.

[widgetkit id=19]

Showcase Example

This is a simple image showcase mashing up all the features from the slideshow and slideset widget.

[widgetkit id=40]

Slideshow Inside Example

This is a very basic slideshow which uses preview thumbnails inside the image as a navigation.

[widgetkit id=54]

Spotlight Example

This is an image wall with some margins and rounded corners using the spotlight and lightbox.

[widgetkit id=23]

Slideset Example

This is an image gallery using all the features from the slideset widget.

[widgetkit id=44]

How To Use

The Widgetkit Gallery comes with a user-friendly administration user interface which let’s you create new galleries with just a few clicks. The integrated directory browser let’s you easily add or remove source directories of your images. All galleries can be loaded anywhere in your theme using shortcodes or the universal Widgetkit Joomla module or WordPress widget.

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